School: Sharon Rose College, Saki. Oyo State
16 Years. Female
Education is the only solution. ‘Education first’ these were the parting words of Malala Yousafzau, the lady shot in the head by the Taliban while she was addressing the UN congress. The truth is that it is difficult to exaggerate the importance of education in human development today. Education as Nelson Mandela said is the most powerful weapon which can be used to change the world. The Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary has defined education as the process of teaching training and learning to improve knowledge and develop skills. Education can be in various forms which are formal, semi-formal and informal education and can be impacted by various members of the society such as parents, schools, media etc.
The role of education is so important in the life of humans that the United Nations Court of Justice in 1954 unanimously declared that it is doubtful that any individual can succeed if he is denied the opportunity of an education. It is however noteworthy, that in this context, much reference is made to formal education than the general word “Education”.
For the sake of freedom in the society, for the sake of freedom of individuals right to self expression and creativity, revolutionists at all times like Malala have faced troubles. Can such act of heroics and bravery be on just mere intuition? The answer, no doubt, is that those individuals were guided by profound social awareness and education, thus creating an urge and desire in them to fight for freedom in such adversaries.
If we believe that a man can only be a man in freedom, then we should understand that the foundation of freedom in human is as natural that he needs to acquire, defend and maintain freedom. History tells us about people like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Kony and his army of children and so on who have embarked on practical application of knowledge and skills to gain freedom for their people in the most calm way – despising violence.
Education has also helped to improve other facets of freedom in humans which is individuality. Etymologically, education means to rear, to grow, to lead forth. It enhances development and expressions of a unique personality and sense of reasoning. Education helps to create passion for finding solutions and facts outside violence and lessens the likelihood that people will be influenced by extremists’ rhetoric. Societies where rational ‘urge for truth’ does not exist are noted to be in shamble. An example of society where such occurs is North Korea, where people are manipulated because they do not have benefit to information and those that they have are being twisted to benefit those that provide it to them. However, their lack of credible information con not be excused as Aristotle noted that it is in the mark of an educated fellow to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
In addition, the most important aspect of human choice is guaranteed with education. Mother Nature brings on cold, warmth, rainfall and so on, but human knowledge and thought help to make and choose over these conditions. Also, the philosophy and science of knowledge enable man to make, to some extent, choice over conditions and make them to suit him at all times.
Above every other thing, the development of a nation is the youths and younger generations. Aristotle, who was described by Dante, the Latin poet as the father of all those who know, opined that education is the best provision for the journey to old age. The importance of education cannot be over emphasized and education is the greatest gift and legacy that can be used to achieve these treasures. Youth education involves all areas of youth’s life in morality, community services, self confidence and so on. Educated fellows are more respected in social interactions in the society and are accorded free will to many things, such as freedom from arranged marriage, freedom of association, freedom of religion and also freedom to choose governance – an idea of democracy.
In education, the youths of today stand out conspicuously as the readers of today and leaders of tomorrow…we are the future of our nation.